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a webring for robot-aligned beings!


there are 44 sites in roboring.

1roboring are here!
2stelhttps://moondvsted.spacestel's silly personal website
3sneexyhttps://synth.downloadfor all of one's personal synthetics download services needs
4unnickhttps://unnick.mice.telbeep boop bip :3
5tulpenkistehttps://tulpenkiste.codeberg.pageSilly personal website
6noellehttps://noelle.devNoelle's personal website for writing and reference
7zvavahttps://zvava.orgsophie's brain out on a table
844203 node: Δ-44203)
92740-35672https://genosse.euseizing the means of computation while shitposting
10440729⛧-440729's website
110xd14https://libdb.so0xd14 terminal and information hub
120x657a7269https://ezri.petunit ⎈-657a7269 http interface
130x5fbehttps://0x5fbe.idoccasional malfunctions from ꙮ-5fbe
140x191E32https://elke.cafebarista-robot turned weird-cat-thing on the internet
155225225 [rss]the site of an entity with serial number 5225225
16junkohttps://lavenderfield.xyzcombat robomaid exploring the edges of reality
17beeps [rss]Web developer, plural, robot furry kinda just posts about whatever.
18nelle [rss]computer touching, sciadv loving creature. something or other.
19vars machine creating art for humans to
20calicobothttps://calicocore.spaceBeepmeow! Aspiring robo-catgirl sysadmin
21Ex6C69747279 is Charon Faustinus's personal website, Exlitry.World (or Exlitry verse) are created by Charon
22CyberBirb [rss]Website dedicated to funny mechanical birb from 404 years in the Retrofuture.
23cascade [rss]personal website for cascade, a protogen who makes websites and things that go on
24thermia belonging to a bot called thermia
25kfcmanhttps://kunfucutsman.neocities.orgMy personal site on which I post about anything I am doing. May contain stories, quick writings and programming stuff
265TR4Yhttps://sos.nekoweb.orgconsole.log('a web extension of strayOS')
27rabbithawk256https://rabbithawk256.devWebsite belonging to rabbithawk256, an occasional testing ground for new ideas
28meluwudyhttps://meluhdy.devmel's home site, where it stores information about its identity
290x6e6174https://natalieee.netwebsite in which natalie complains and ocassionaly doesn't explain incomprehensible computer programs
3012abca3d-8 and hobby rambles shared between an amalgamation of androids and their pack of weirdos.
31DERG website of a system with robots and dragons in it what more do you need to
32quarchttps://x86cu.beMy website that's mostly an instruction manual
33393q658 personal site for a robot's ramblings
34abbieoverflight (aka abbie)'s website
350x4d6165 [rss]personal site, blog, and writings repository of a robot fox girl
360x42https://synthesis0x42.digitaldigital garden + http interface of |
37riflesniper green screenface robot-type kinda guy who likes drawing other robots :3
38charlie personal webpage of a thing called charlie
39442811's little corner of the internetashley[at]
40cosyivy [rss]a silly socialist robo programmer girls corner of the interwebbs!!
41grassblock [rss]fmt.Println('A random block's homespace')i[at] |
42dish [rss]dish's webbed sitepyrox[at]
43darthplagalhttps://darthplagal.xyza site index for darthplagal, a woman on the internet
44squeakablehttps://squeakable.devSqueaking bytes into the net


corpo websites and sites with bigotry/hate speech will not be allowed.
in general, most sites will be accepted, but i do reserve the right to reject sites

  1. choose a slug (unique code) for your site
  2. add the webring HTML somewhere on your site:
          <a href="">←</a>
    <a href="">roboring</a>
    <a href="">→</a>
    feel free to customize the content as you'd like, as long as the links are intact. make sure to replace "YOUR_SLUG" with your actual slug!
  3. open a pull request on github and add your site to websites.json. here's the format:
    "name": "your name",
    "slug": "your slug",
    "about": "short description of your site",
    "url": "your site url",
    "rss": "your rss feed url (optional, delete if unneeded)",
    "owner": "link to you: could be social media, neocities profile, an email, etc..."
    make sure everything's in quotes, and that there's a comma after the closing curly brace } of the previous item.
    if you'd prefer, feel free to email me instead (stel [at] and i'll add you manually.